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This project draws from both the social and physical landscapes of the Maillardville neighbourhood to address the political and cultural forces shaping it, such as its French Canadian history and its industrial past. Version Sub Rip notably investigates the role of language as a delineating boundary both within the physical world and in psychological space. Through an architectural installation, props and optical illusions, the exhibition reconfigures the scale and perspective of markers of place, destabilizing mechanisms through which space is named and represented. Version Sub Rip takes place in Maillardville, on the traditional and unceded territory of Indigenous Coast Salish Peoples, such as the Kwikwetlem, a traditionally hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓-speaking First Nation.

Version Sub Rip

July 2016

Maillardville Cultural Appreciation Society

Coquitlam, BC, Canada

Curated by Zebulon Zang

Photos: Zebulon Zang